At 1.4m meters these triple layered fret-cut sculptures were cut in a bespoke diamond pattern designed and art-worked by HATCH. Each layer scattered the LED rear illumination causing shadows and patterns to cast dramatically against the metallic finish.
The concept of the 2D fret-cut layers continued as we designed plinths from the same folded laser-cut steel, welded with trays and inset with dark engineered oak to form product risers and shelves.
Over the Christmas period 23 triple layer displays were rolled out across the UK, EU and US stores. A smaller more cost effective double layer laurel was presented across 19 retail partner stores worldwide.
The challenge with large roll outs is to create a display that can be broken down for safe transportation whilst being simple enough that each store can install independently. We work tirelessly in production to make these installations kits fool proof, backed up with meticulous diagrammatic step by step instructions – something that HATCH take great pains to get right every time.